Thursday, November 22, 2012


Lisa was a poor girl, with curly black hair and beautiful eyelashes, and was quite a spectacle to see. Her fate changed though, only because of generosity. One day , Lisa went outside to buy some bread for sandwiches. When she bought the bread and was heading for home, a elderly man was close to a tree, begging for some food. Lisa though, was very kind natured and gave him the whole packet of bread. The man said to her,"Dear child,may you be blessed, here are these twigs from a tree, shake them 3 times and see what happens my dear." With that, the man went to his little hut,,Lisa shook the twigs 3 times, and 3 bars of 2 kg gold stood in front of her. She went home and gave the gold to her father, who was very happy, and her mother who was filled with joy. Since that momment, Lisa had a 2 floored house in a neiborhood and she and her family lived with joy and no sorrow.

                                                       THE END :-)

Tarzena's bedroom

Tembegrō! Which means hello in oplarim language. Tarzena has a very pretty bedroom  This is her bedroom.
 Tarzena herself is also quite pretty.That is tarzena , her cousin put her pic on the Internet. 

This is tarzena's house  It's a beautiful house isn't it? That's enough tarzena pictures for today:-)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Tarzena's over due book.

One  day Tarzena woke up, rubbing her eyes, and laying on her light blue bed sheet with her thick duvet on her. "Offf larzena latar issua!Turlemna zhe dubka!" She exclaimed. That ment "Oiii my library book is over due! I need to get ready quickly!" in Oplairumpa, Tarzena's official language . "tarzena, toklem debarea brekfestia." her brother oklem said to her which ment,"Tarzena, come eat breakfast." Tarzena replied quickly, " To laza Oklem! Me larzena latar issua!" Which ment ," I'm in a hurry Oklem! My library book is overdue!" Oklem just shrugged and Tarzena quickly ran to the bus stop. "Hi Tarzena!" Gellete, Tarzena's best friend greeted her."Gellete! My library book is over du-ahhhhhhh!!!" Tarzena slipped on a bannana peel and bumped into Taylor," Hey geek! Watch where your going!" He exclaimed."Sorry." Tarzena appolagized. She had sprinted her knee, badly."oh my goodness,tarzena are you okay?" A boy called Josh asked her, helping her up."I'm okay." Luckily, the librarian was there and tarzena plaided on her knees" Please!I didn't mean to over due
 the book!" The librarian replied" which over due book? Over due books are for two weeks, not two days." Tarzena blushed" oh I'm very ebaressed , here's the book, I finished reading it.".

                                       THE END!!!!