Thursday, April 11, 2013

Tarzena's Bad Night/Day

"Tarzena, da nada been sevken. Bugdama,lutfet?" Tarzena's sister , Latina, said to her in the middle of the night. That meant ,"Tarzena, my teddy fell from my bunk. Please give it to me." "Latina miou tanga manga. Ta na ban shev." Tarzena replied. That meant ," Latina I just fell asleep. Get it yourself." Latina got down from her bunk and got her teddy. In a few moments, Latina was asleep. Tarzena, however, couldn't sleep. She was terribly tired but as much as she tried to sleep she couldn't. She silently said something rude about Latina. Once, she almost fell asleep , but then the bunk bed shaked. "AHHHHH!AHGARA!" Tarzena shouted. That meant,"AHHHHH!EARTHQUAKE!" Latina woke and mumbled ," Tarzena miou tena roll pa." That meant ,"Tarzena, I just rolled on the top bunk." Tarzena didn't sleep the till 8. Then the alarm on her iPod woke her up and she got so much  startled that she hit her head on the top bunk. Tarzena groaned. She wore her clothes  ate breakfast then went to school. Tarzena answered all the questions on her "all subjects" quiz incorrectly. "Tarzena, Hitler did not die because there were ants in his pants. And Scorpios' element is NOT fire. And Sponge Bob did not make the first burger." Ms.Marsipole, Tarzena's teacher said to her. When Tarzena went home , she slept at 8 o'clock. The next day she had perfect scores like always. THE END