Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Yummy 2 ingredient hot chocolate :) :)

Hello!! Today, I will give you the recipe of Nutella hot chocolate. Lets get started!


*1/4 cup of Nutella
*4 cups of plain milk
*Marshmallows (optional)


*Ice cream scooper
*Measuring cup
*Kitchen roll

Use your scooper to scoop the Nutella in your measuring cup until it reaches 1/2 of the cup. Pour a little bit of milk and mix with the spatula so that you can easily pour your Nutella mixture into the pot.

(2 Pour the 4 cups of milk slowly into the pot so you don't make a lot of mess.

(3 Slowly mix on medium high heat until the Nutella has melted into liquid.

(4 Put the cups on a kitchen roll

(6  Arrange your drink anyway you want, just make sure you enjoy it though!!

Thank you for reading this recipe. Check this blog every week or so to get more easy recipes! Bye!!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Hello!!!! Sorry that I haven't been blogging recently. It's all because I just moved to Istanbul and we have just about settled in. I will write more stories so wait!! Also (this is for my daddy) I miss you olads bubby!!! I wish we could come and visit you and I hope babajan gets much much better :)