Thursday, May 2, 2013

The life of Jeremal and Marsoon

Once there were two children that were very poor and lived with their mother and father. The two children's names are  Jeremal (a boy) and Marsoon (a girl). Every day, the two went to their village's market to sell some semi valuable stones. One day, they saw a blaze from their house."Mama!! Babaa!!!" Jeremal and Marsoon shouted. After 10 minutes, their beloved house had burned to ashes, so did Jeremal and Marsoon's parents. The two children cried themselves to sleep. Jeremal woke Marsoon at the crack of dawn. '' Lets go to the Khersool Dump. I will look for semi valuable stones and you find wood for fire.'' Jeremal said to Marsoon. Both of them went to Khersool Dump. While Marsoon was looking for wood, she saw something extraordinary. "JEREMAL! LOOK! I FOUND A SACK OF EMERALDS RUBIES AND SILVER!!" Marsoon  exclaimed. That was true. The two children hurriedly took the sack of very precious jewels, and ran to the market. When they were in the market a few mean kids said to them"Give us those jewels!" Jeremal shook is head. One of the mean kids punched him in his shoulder and stole the sack of jewels. Jeremal and Marsoon's only hope to live, was gone. After a few minutes, the king of Tarxon, King Zarbixe, came to the market. He jumped off his horse to see Jeremal, who was on the ground. " I see your brother is hurt and you have been robbed."King Zarbixe said to Marsoon. " Yes sir." Marsoon replied. "Well, I have no children of my own, will you two stay with my if I help you out?'' King Zarbixe asked. Marsoon nodded happily. So then Jeremal and Marsoon went to King Zarbixe's palace. One of the king's servants brought Jeremal a icepack for his shoulder. After a few minutes, his shoulder wasn't very sore. "My queen. These two will be our children." King Zarbixe said to his wife, Queen Zarbian. Queen Zarbian smiled. "Tarbeze!" Queen Zarbian said to one of her servants,"Bring my new children some  clothes to wear. Silk for the girl and pure satin for the boy." The children introduced themselves to the king and the queen and told them about their miserable lives. About their poorness and the loss of their parents. From that day on, Marsoon and Jeremal were Princess Marsoon and Prince Jeremal. They lived happily and everyday, they thought about how luck they were. 

                             THE END!!!!!

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